Thursday, January 21, 2010

You Do Something To Me Bukowski.

The world's a stage and I have forgotten my lines.
I was too busy helping you remember yours.
Even now you still kiss me, but it means sex.
No more emotions, only passion - good actors can make the audience think one is the other.
I paid too much to see this play again.

This dating thing that man has brought to life;
do the words said to me - can I say it to someone else?
What are the stage directions?Upstage - downstage?
The plot is muffled by the sudden chage of scenery.

Every song on the radio is the soundtrack-
Helping me fall in and out of love with you.
No rhyme or reason to the changes of storyline-
Only you know the plot.
Everyone else is just your actors.
Director, tell uis what to do - Director, tell me which emotion to display in this scene.
I will go off your lead - Do you want to play lead?

The world's a stage - Right now, you're the screenwriter.
Whose the producers? Will you tell them the script?